OpenRail DesignerCONNECT Edition

Place Reference Line

You can access this dialog from the following:

Ribbon: OpenRail Modeling > Rail Electrification > Place Reference Lines

Places reference lines. It can place a single reference line or multiple reference lines. Reference lines are placed perpendicular or with an angle to the reference alignment. Default value is perpendicular.


  • Reference Geometry
  • Leftmost Geometry
  • Rightmost Geometry
  • Skew Angle (not prompted)

Leftmost and rightmost geometry define the range of the reference lines to be placed. When placed on single geometry all three selections are the same. As an alternative, reset to continue to skip leftmost and rightmost prompts for single line.

While placing the reference lines, the design standards to use must be selected.

Multiple placement places reference lines between the selected start and end stations using the design standards for span calculation.

On turnouts reference line is placed based on the definition of the turnout.

Single placement places a single reference line to the selected location. When a reference line is placed between other reference lines, the list of reference lines is updated to preserve the order based on their station values.